Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

Small business insurance from home


Even some of the biggest and best branded products we now take for granted, started out being produced in garages and spare bedrooms. Unless you have the money to buy separate business premises from day 1, most people do most of their planning at home. When it comes to running a service, many people are based at home and travel out to meet customers. Even simple manufacturing can be done at home, whether it's baking cakes and cookies in the kitchen, making designer clothes or some other low impact activity. But whatever you do, don't ignore the question of insurance. There's a basic law of nature that says, anything that can go wrong, will go wrong (sooner or later). The longer you delay putting your house insurance in order, the more costly it may all become. So what are the main types to consider?

Let's start off with the most obvious. The moment you start dealing with customers, some level of liability cover is essential. There's always going to be one person who can prove what you did, or didn't do, caused loss and damage. It may be you went into his home to repair a leaking faucet and the resulting flood damaged furniture and the wooden floor. Or perhaps it was the customer who came to your home to collect the PC you'd repaired and she slips and falls on your polished floor. No matter how you interact with customers or the customers may claim you have damaged them, some level of insurance pays the cost of your attorney fighting them off. If a court ends up ordering you to pay compensation, wouldn't it be better to be able to pass on the bill to your insurer?

Then you should consider business interruption cover. There have been record-breaking numbers of tornadoes this year, rivers are flooding vast areas of our land. Any number of different causes can prevent you from continuing the business. So being able to cover the costs of a temporary relocation would be good value. If equipment or tools are lost, or inventory is damaged in the original disaster or during the move, being able to claim makes the cover even better value.

Then remember neither you nor anyone working for you will have perfect health. Can you afford to be without some health cover? Read this alongside all the local rules about Workers' Compensation if you have employees. And then consider the potential need for disability insurance should you be unable to work. Finally, what would happen to your family if you were to die? Think about how much money might be owing if the death was unexpectedly early. This is not just for the mortgage and household debts, but also any loan taken up by the business and any business debts owed by you as a sole trader or partnership - this would not apply if you were running a company.

Getting the right levels of small business insurance is all about balancing the different elements of cover. Not everything may be required but, if you don't think about all the issues, this would be costly. Get business insurances and protect your small business.

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Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

Creating Your Own Personal Brand


When you go out and meet people in the networking industry, what do you bring with you?
I assume you have a laptop for your presentations, brochures and other marketing materials? What else?
Well, more than all the trappings of a networker, what you bring with you is YOU! Yessirree! Yourself. You are who you represent. And in our niche in MLM, we pretty much are like turtles carrying our entire package on our backs.
This is what you call personal branding.
So, can you tell and can they tell what is your brand?
Look and dress the part.
Just like any product brand, one should have some sort of personal logo that best identifies with what you represent. In my case, my logo is my brand. Empowered online entrepreneurs. It pretty much says what I really am.
I am empowered and I am an online entrepreneur.
And with this sense of empowerment, I should represent myself to be someone strong and credible. That means, I shouldn't dress sloppy but dress with confidence. As it is my mission to influence other people to join in the industry, I have to make sure that I look pleasant, respectful, and great. My presence should be commanding enough to draw attention.
Speak the part.
Looking great could already generate lasting first impressions. I would probably be remembered for a great-looking suit I wore in a first meeting. But what is really crucial is the first time I opened my mouth and uttered my first word. How confident did I sound? Did I speak eloquently and clearly? Was my message clear? Did I come off as someone who is really sure of what he was talking about? Your communication skills could really affect your overall personal branding.
Act the part.
How did I behave? Was I courteous? Was I pleasant? Did I give a firm handshake? Did I observe proper decorum, business etiquette, and addressed all the persons that I meet with their proper titles? Was I punctual in my meetings? These things are often neglected and taken for granted but these have such great bearings in your first impressions that if you bungle up in this department, it may be the last time you would ever see your client.
Do the part.
Part of your personal branding is of course, the lasting impression. Did you achieve what you came to the meeting for? Did you get information from the prospect? Asked questions well? Answered questions well? Promised to get in touch? Did a follow-up some days later? A follow-through is very important after giving someone enough time to think about your proposal. In fact, doing a follow-up is one of the most important things you will ever do in order to make your prospects feel special.
So, what is your personal brand?
What Is Your Personal Branding Statement? Elmar Sandyck Is An Expert Internet Marketer And You Can Get More Online Marketing Tips And Techniques By Visiting

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Brand Management


Your company logo is the face of your company. Having a clean and professional logo is key to creating brand awareness. It's very important to include your logo on every piece of communication (i.e. business cards, letterhead, envelopes, invoices, yellow page ads, newsletters, etc.).
Another very important aspect of branding is a professional website. It isn't good enough to have just a website, you must reflect your brand image. Everyone uses the web today to check references, especially if someone recommends your service. Your website design and content should be managed and updated frequently to make sure you are staying current.

Blogs are also very useful, helping with providing content for your brand. Valuable content on a consistent basis will make you look like an expert, which is what people are looking for. Blogs are a great way to engage in conversation. Business-to-consumer dialog is much more valuable than just dumping information on their customers.

You should not just focus your marketing efforts in one area, instead, you should have a comprehensive multi-touch marketing plan to get your value proposition in front of your target audience. You can launch a direct mail campaign, email marketing campaign, host a webinar, co-sponsor a local event, attend a trade show, attend networking events, social media marketing, etc. This will require you to play around with different marketing strategies to find the best combination of methods for your strategic goals.
One of the primary drivers of brand loyalty is a consistent experience, so make sure you hold up your end of the bargain. Positive experiences lead to good feelings which lead to telling their friends. Never forget that bad experiences spread much faster and are harder to overcome - if you get a second chance at all.

Remember that you're not in control of your brand, you only set the direction for your brand, and your actual brand image is determined by your audience. Branding isn't a one shot deal that is created and left alone, it's an on-going balancing act of marketing, research and conversation. If you're not tapping into those conversations with your audience, how will you know what their real impression of you is? Better, how will you know how to address it? You need to ensure that your actions, stationary, website and marketing efforts put out the right image.

Proper branding is critical to long term success. A lot of people think of branding as logo development, but in reality, branding is managing the thoughts and feelings of your customers to ensure that you are what they desire. If your desired brand image isn't what's in the minds of your target audience, you've got to figure out where the gaps are and how to address them. Outsourcing your marketing efforts is sometimes the best choice.

Revenue River Marketing specializes in branding, marketing, social media marketing and web development services for the Colorado Front Range area as well as several related business technology and media services. Contact us at (720) 344-5020 or visit us at

by : Eric R Pratt
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