When you go out and meet people in the networking industry, what do you bring with you?
I assume you have a laptop for your presentations, brochures and other marketing materials? What else?
Well, more than all the trappings of a networker, what you bring with you is YOU! Yessirree! Yourself. You are who you represent. And in our niche in MLM, we pretty much are like turtles carrying our entire package on our backs.
This is what you call personal branding.
So, can you tell and can they tell what is your brand?
Look and dress the part.
Just like any product brand, one should have some sort of personal logo that best identifies with what you represent. In my case, my logo is my brand. Empowered online entrepreneurs. It pretty much says what I really am.
I am empowered and I am an online entrepreneur.
And with this sense of empowerment, I should represent myself to be someone strong and credible. That means, I shouldn't dress sloppy but dress with confidence. As it is my mission to influence other people to join in the industry, I have to make sure that I look pleasant, respectful, and great. My presence should be commanding enough to draw attention.
Speak the part.
Looking great could already generate lasting first impressions. I would probably be remembered for a great-looking suit I wore in a first meeting. But what is really crucial is the first time I opened my mouth and uttered my first word. How confident did I sound? Did I speak eloquently and clearly? Was my message clear? Did I come off as someone who is really sure of what he was talking about? Your communication skills could really affect your overall personal branding.
Act the part.
How did I behave? Was I courteous? Was I pleasant? Did I give a firm handshake? Did I observe proper decorum, business etiquette, and addressed all the persons that I meet with their proper titles? Was I punctual in my meetings? These things are often neglected and taken for granted but these have such great bearings in your first impressions that if you bungle up in this department, it may be the last time you would ever see your client.
Do the part.
Part of your personal branding is of course, the lasting impression. Did you achieve what you came to the meeting for? Did you get information from the prospect? Asked questions well? Answered questions well? Promised to get in touch? Did a follow-up some days later? A follow-through is very important after giving someone enough time to think about your proposal. In fact, doing a follow-up is one of the most important things you will ever do in order to make your prospects feel special.
So, what is your personal brand?
What Is Your Personal Branding Statement? Elmar Sandyck Is An Expert Internet Marketer And You Can Get More Online Marketing Tips And Techniques By Visiting http://www.InternetMastermindSecrets.com Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elmar_Sandyck |
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